Nowadays, especially wisdom teeth have started to remain impacted or semi-impacted due to the consumption of cooked and soft foods instead of hard foods as in the past. The 3rd molars, known as wisdom teeth, remain impacted/semi-impacted due to today's eating habits and cause problems such as caries, gum infections and orthodontic crowding. When a tooth remains impacted, it means that the tooth cannot find a place in the jaw or remains impacted due to lack of space. In humans, mostly the 3rd molars remain impacted.
When wisdom teeth are embedded in the jaws;
- it can compress all the teeth,
- may require orthodontic mobilization and treatment of all teeth,
- It can cause decay in the crown or root of a half impacted adjacent molar,
- can cause the gums around it to become infected.
The solution to these and similar problems;
- extraction of impacted/semi-impacted wisdom tooth,
- to remove the infected gum that surrounds it and allow it to erupt,
- When necessary, it can be corrected with orthodontic treatment.