What is Teeth Whitening, What are Teeth Whitening Methods?

Teeth whitening, also called bleaching, is the most preferred aesthetic dentistry application. Although the teeth are brushed sufficiently, they may still not reach the desired whiteness. 

Like every part of our appearance in modern society, the appearance of the teeth, which is the secret of a beautiful smile, is also very important. However, even if the teeth are brushed and maintained regularly, they may still not be as white as expected. In such a situation, teeth whitening, also known as bleaching, is the most recommended cosmetic dentistry procedure.

Teeth whitening application, which is one of the frequently preferred procedures among aesthetic dental applications; It can be performed both in the clinic and at home. Teeth whitening can be applied in a very comfortable way in order to prevent stains on the teeth and to achieve a natural tooth color. 

What is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is the process of removing colored, organic and inorganic substances that occur on the tooth surface by applying teeth whitening gels. The color changes on the tooth surface are reduced and the teeth are given a whiter appearance. How much the color of the tooth will lighten varies according to the structure of the tooth.

Teeth whitening is an application preferred by people whose tooth color is not in the desired tone or who have stains on the tooth surface. Tooth color can be deformed for many reasons and cause an unaesthetic appearance on the person's teeth. These deformations can be too serious to be removed with daily dental care. For this reason, teeth whitening with the bleaching method applied by dentists today is ideal for people who want to have an aesthetic smile and a natural white tooth color. 

Why is Tooth Whitening Used?

Deformations in tooth enamel can occur for the following reasons;

  • Genetic factors
  • Smoking
  • Acidic beverage consumption
  • Excessive consumption of caffeine-containing beverages such as coffee and tea
  • Antibiotic use
  • Excess intake of coloring foods

For these reasons, yellowing of tooth color occurs. Daily dental care is not effective in these color changes. Teeth that have a natural white color thanks to teeth whitening applications will undergo deformation again, especially when smoking. For this reason, it is not recommended not to smoke after bleaching application. 

Causes of Tooth Discoloration

Teeth, which are one of the main areas of aesthetic appearance, look much more beautiful when they have a proper alignment and a light color and improve the psychological state of modern people and their self-confidence in their social environment. Tooth color can be deformed for many different reasons. In the field of orthodontics, causes divided into intrinsic and extrinsic discolorations can cause temporary or permanent tooth color deformations. In this case, many people, especially those living in cosmopolitan cities and in regions where the active working population is dense, apply for teeth whitening.

External causes of tooth discoloration include inadequate oral hygiene, gingival bleeding, plaque accumulation, and foods consumed, while in older people, frequently consumed medications and drinks such as tea and coffee can change tooth color. This change is usually black or gray. Internal causes of tooth discoloration are much more complicated than external causes. Especially root canal treatment, high fluoride intake, genetic diseases or medications used together with high fever and childhood diseases and traumas are considered as internal causes of tooth discoloration.

Teeth Whitening Methods

Teeth whitening is an application applied in two ways. It can be applied in both clinical and home environment.

In Power Bleaching, which is called office type, the color of the tooth can be lightened by 3-4 tones. It is a form of treatment applied with whitening gel and light in the clinical environment. The process, which takes an average of one hour, is a fast and effective teeth whitening method. 

Another teeth whitening method is Home Bleaching, also called home bleaching. In this method, the whitening process takes longer compared to the clinical environment. However, there is no process that lasts for weeks in the home type. It is a 5 to 7-day process, depending on the coloration of the teeth. In the Home Bleaching type, whitening gels are placed in the mouthpiece prepared by the physician and the person applies these gels to the teeth with the help of the mouthpiece in 4-8 hour time periods in the home environment.

Preparation Before Teeth Whitening

During the preparation process for teeth whitening, caries, if any, should be treated. Otherwise, the gel applied during the whitening process will pass through the caries and reach the inner parts of the tooth. This situation causes increased sensitivity in the tooth.

Teeth should be examined and cleaned before bleaching. The physician starts the teeth whitening process after the examination is over.

How Is Teeth Whitening Performed?

Teeth whitening applications are performed by applying a special gel after oral and dental health is provided with the necessary treatments. Teeth whitening is indicated for color changes in the tooth enamel, the outermost layer of the tooth. It does not have any effect on veneers or crowns. Before proceeding with teeth whitening, teeth and gum examination should be performed in a qualified manner. If any infection in the gums or tooth decay problems are observed, these problems must be treated first. 

Who is the Teeth Whitening Procedure Applied to?

Teeth whitening is a procedure frequently preferred by people who experience tooth discoloration and want to have an aesthetic mouth appearance. The teeth to which the bleaching method can be applied are as follows; - Yellow to brown teeth - Teeth without enamel loss - Teeth with a smooth surface and homogeneous color change - Teeth with porphyria staining - Teeth with yellow or gray discoloration in antibiotic use - Teeth with dark color before restoration can be applied and the desired color can be achieved if the sessions are not interrupted.

In some cases, especially the bleaching method is not recommended by experts. In these cases, different methods can be tried.

The situations where teeth whitening is not recommended are as follows;

  • Milk teeth
  • Alcohol and cigarette addicts
  • People who may have an allergic reaction to the materials used in the bleaching method
  • Those with intense enamel loss
  • People with intense tooth sensitivity

People who are pregnant or breastfeeding will prevent damage to the gums or soft tissues in the mouth area if teeth whitening applications performed with bleaching method are applied by dentists in clinical settings.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening procedures bring significant improvements to the patient’s psychological well-being. The person undergoing the procedure gains self-confidence and, as a result, feels much more comfortable and happy in social settings.

In cases where teeth whitening procedures are not recommended, this process can pose certain risk factors. It is advised that individuals with oral and dental issues should not undergo teeth whitening without treatment. Otherwise, it may lead to the worsening of cavities and gum problems.

Is Teeth Whitening a Safe Procedure?

Anyone who has undergone a dental examination prior to whitening can have a teeth whitening procedure. Patients with cavities or gum problems identified during the examination should first undergo treatment and then proceed with teeth whitening.

According to research, there is no harm in using whitening solutions. No study shows that teeth whitening causes structural changes or permanent damage.

As a side effect, teeth may become sensitive to hot and cold, but this sensitivity lasts only 1-2 days.

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

The longevity of the results varies depending on the individual’s dental structure. On average, the effects of teeth whitening last between 6 months and 2 years.

For the procedure to be permanent, the person must pay attention to dental care, and particularly avoid consuming foods and drinks that contain staining substances, especially in the first few weeks.

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