The Solution to Your Aching Teeth Might Be Very Simple!

Although filling procedures sometimes seem like a simple process, in certain cases, challenging fillings may be applied to save the patient's natural tooth or prolong its usability. Using the latest technology materials and tools to alleviate the patient’s discomfort will be gratifying. While applying the most accurate treatment as quickly as possible without tiring the patient, it is sometimes observed that issues begin to develop in teeth that the patient doesn't feel discomfort in. During regular check-ups, small interventions can prevent such issues. Therefore, relatively simple procedures like fillings, root canal treatments, and tartar cleaning are crucial as they can prevent the need for major operations.

Root Canal Treatment can prevent tooth loss in critical areas of the mouth where the teeth must remain. This way, patients can maintain their comfort at the highest level with fixed prosthetics, eliminating the need for removable dentures.

Tooth extraction is considered the last resort but is necessary for teeth that cannot be saved. In this era of advanced technology, implants can be made that are as good as the original teeth, so the patient doesn’t feel the absence of their natural tooth.

Tartar cleaning is one of the simplest procedures, but when performed regularly, it has been scientifically proven to reduce tooth decay and tooth loss.

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