Root Canal Treatment and Filling

Root canal treatment (endodontics) and fillings are two commonly performed procedures in dentistry, both aimed at preserving dental health and preventing tooth loss, but they are used in different circumstances.

Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics)

Root canal treatment is performed when the pulp, the nerve tissue inside the tooth, becomes inflamed or infected. This procedure is typically necessary to treat pulp damage caused by deep cavities, cracked teeth, or trauma.

Stages of root canal treatment:

  1. Anesthesia: The tooth and surrounding tissues are numbed.
  2. Pulp removal: The pulp and nerve tissue in the center of the tooth are removed.
  3. Cleaning and shaping the canal: The root canals are cleaned and shaped using special tools.
  4. Filling: The canals are filled with a biocompatible material.
  5. Restoration: The tooth is protected by a filling or crown after the root canal treatment.


A filling is a procedure used to repair a decayed or damaged tooth. After the decay is removed, the tooth is restored to its original shape and function.

Steps of a filling procedure:

  1. Anesthesia: Local anesthesia may be applied to ensure comfort during the procedure.
  2. Removing decay: The decayed tissue is removed from the tooth.
  3. Filling placement: The cavity is filled with an appropriate material, such as composite (white filling) or amalgam (silver filling).
  4. Polishing: The surface of the filling is smoothed, and the bite is adjusted.

When to Use Which Procedure?

  • Root Canal Treatment: Required when the nerve tissue of the tooth is inflamed or infected.
  • Filling: Used for surface-level cavities or minor damage.

After a root canal treatment, the tooth is often restored with a filling or crown to increase its durability. Your dentist will determine which treatment is needed based on your tooth's condition.

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