Composite Filling

Dental filling is a form of treatment as old as human history. Even in ancient times, archaeological researches have tried to treat decayed teeth and missing teeth with natural materials and have been partially successful. Over time, various filling materials were developed and treatments were performed with these materials. However, research has revealed that metal fillings are chemically harmful to human health.

The mercury contained in amalgam fillings starts to evaporate after filling and starts to harm the general health of the patient. This situation continues in the replacement of fillings and causes both the patient and the dentist to be exposed to mercury vapor. Amalgam fillings have started to be abandoned all over the world due to these damages. Amalgam fillings are not used in our clinic due to their proven damages and materials harmful to human health are not used in the treatments to be performed to our patients in accordance with the advice of Hippocrates, the founder of medicine, “First do no harm”-“pirimum nil nocere”.

With the help of today's technology, fillings can be made with composite materials that chemically adhere to the tooth and mimic tooth color. Isolation, color matching and correct shaping are required in the production of a composite filling. RUBBER DAM, which is widely used all over the world but not widely used in our country, is used in our clinic for isolation. In addition, special matrix systems are used to shape the filling correctly.

Therefore, in our clinic, aesthetic and durable fillings as durable as tooth tissue are made painlessly and comfortably with the latest technology filling materials. 

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