Ankara Dental Veneers Center

Dental veneers, which are the most preferred aesthetic dental applications, have been applied for both functional and aesthetic purposes for many years. With the development of technology and the use of these developments in the field of dental applications, different materials have started to be used for dental veneers and the life of the veneer has been extended at the maximum level. 

What is Dental Veneers?

Some people have excessive erosion in their teeth for a number of reasons. This loss of tooth materials creates a great danger in terms of health and causes an image that is far from aesthetically beautiful. In such cases, dental veneers are applied. Dental veneers, which are applied in tooth deficiencies, root canal treatment or correction of tooth curvatures, are applied with different materials today and their service life is maximized as a result of technological developments. 

Before the dental veneer application, the patient's mouth and dental area are examined in detail. If necessary, canal treatment, caries treatment or similar applications are performed and then dental veneer application is planned. Thus, the patient has both a healthy and beautiful tooth alignment. 

How are dental veneers applied?

Before the dental veneer application, health problems in the mouth and teeth are eliminated with a detailed treatment. Then, a mold of the tooth or teeth to be crowned is taken and prepared for rehearsal. When antibiotic treatment or similar treatments are over, a specially prepared coating material is applied. The main purpose is to ensure that the patient can use it comfortably and to provide a proportional and integrated appearance with other teeth. Dental veneers are applied very comfortably today and can be used comfortably for a long time after the application. Patients for whom dental veneers can be applied are as follows;

  • It can be applied to all patients over 18 years of age.
  • Patients with curvature in their front teeth
  • Patients who do not want to undergo orthodontic treatment
  • Patients who have experienced tooth loss
  • Patients with color deformation that cannot be removed by teeth whitening
  • It can be applied to patients who are not satisfied with the appearance of their teeth.

What is the Lifespan of Dental Veneers?

When dental veneers are applied by competent dentists and maximum care is taken for oral and dental health after the application, the veneers can be used for 10 to 15 years. It is also of great importance not to interrupt periodic dental checks for long-term use. 

How Long Does Dental Veneers Last?

How long the dental veneer application will last varies from patient to patient. If tooth cutting is to be performed, this process can be a very difficult process for both the patient and the dentist. In patients with tooth curvatures, tooth cutting is applied. However, the less teeth are cut, the more comfortable the patient will experience. Dental veneers are performed painlessly and painlessly. 




What are Dental Veneers?

Today, dental veneers are applied with different materials and named after the materials used; porcelain, zirconium, laminate dental veneers. Although each material has its own advantages, there are differences between them, especially in terms of aesthetics. 

Porcelain Tooth Veneers

Porcelain dental veneers are one of the oldest dental coating methods applied. Most porcelain veneers, which are durable and compatible with other teeth, are applied with metal support. This process involves placing a metal alloy under the veneer. The veneering process applied by placing chromium-cobalt or chromium-nickel alloys is generally preferred on the back teeth. However, the use of metal materials can cause allergic reactions in the patient. In this type of veneer, which is durable and quite long-lasting, much more qualified results can be obtained with the complete application of oral care. 

Zirconium Tooth Veneers

Zirconium coating is generally applied in aesthetic coating procedures. In this type of coating, the material placed under the porcelain coating is not metal but zirconium alloy. In this way, the coating transmits light and prolongs the life of the underlying tooth. Zirconium coating that can be used on front and back teeth; It is the closest coating process to natural tooth color. Although it is frequently preferred for being far from artificial appearance, it does not cause any allergic reaction in the patient. Hot and cold sensitivity is minimal compared to porcelain veneers. 

Zirconium veneers do not cause damage to the sense of taste, bad breath or gum problems. Since it is a durable material, it can be applied on both front and back teeth. 

Laminate Tooth Veneer

Laminate tooth coating application is also defined as leaf porcelain. This application is generally preferred for aesthetic coating applications. At the same time, it is applied to patients with any deformity or discoloration of the front teeth and patients who do not want to undergo orthodontic treatment. 

Laminate dental veneers are applied by minimally abrading the teeth. This method, which is very comfortable to use and apply, is frequently preferred as an alternative to zirconium and porcelain veneers. 

Dental Veneers Porcelain and Zirconium Dental Veneers Processes

Porcelain Veneer Tooth coating application; It is a treatment method that is still used in cases such as discoloration, deformity, tooth cutting, root canal treatment, excessive material loss and tooth deficiency in human teeth. Especially the porcelain veneer method; It has protected the teeth that have undergone root canal treatment for many years, completed tooth deficiencies and has been a method that is still in use. Before the porcelain veneer procedure, the teeth are prepared, decay or residues and infected tissues on the tooth are cleaned; if necessary, root canal treatment is performed and a digital impression of the tooth is taken. The veneer is prepared in accordance with the measurement taken; it is adhered to the tooth after 1-3 sessions. In case of night pain or sensitivity, pain and sensitivity are eliminated by root canal treatment and similar methods.

The lifespan of porcelain veneers is 15 - 20 years in parallel with proper nutrition, not consuming excessively hot and cold foods, and not consuming acidic beverages. Patients to whom porcelain veneers can be applied In the field of orthodontics, veneer application is generally applied to patients who have tooth loss or intense loss of material in their teeth. However, it is also frequently applied to protect the teeth of patients undergoing composite dental treatment against external factors and to provide an aesthetic appearance.

Is Porcelain Dental Veneers Necessary?

Dental veneer application is a very effective method both aesthetically and functionally. Patients who experience material deficiencies in the teeth face problems such as toothache, hot and cold sensitivity, which greatly affect daily life. At the same time, people who have deformations especially in their front teeth are dissatisfied with this appearance. For this reason, they prefer either porcelain veneers or zirconium or laminate dental veneers. 

Things to Consider in Porcelain Veneer Application

Today, the concept of aesthetics is of great importance for people. For this reason, aesthetic applications can be made in many areas. The point that should not be forgotten is that in addition to aesthetic application, the aim is not to lose the functional properties of the application area. The veneering process should be applied in a way that does not cause any negative changes in the patient's speech and facial expression. At the same time, it should be applied in a way that does not cause any negativity in eating, chewing and biting functions. After the veneer procedure applied by dentists who are experts and experienced in their field, the quality of life of the patients increases as well as the improvement of their aesthetic appearance. For this reason, the selection of the dentist, the rehearsal process and the process of getting used to the veneer after the application process are also of great importance.

Patients to whom Zirconium Dental Veneers can be applied

Today, the aesthetics of teeth and oral appearance are of great importance for people. In addition to oral health, gum health and dental health, their beautiful appearance is also effective in improving people's psychological state and self-confidence in social environments. For this reason, scientific studies in the field of orthodontics and the use of the possibilities of developing technology in this field have enabled the application of many different techniques and new methods. Today, the veneer technique is applied to correct the loss of material in the teeth, tooth loss or asymmetries in the teeth.

While the tooth coating technique was applied with porcelain in previous years, today the zirconium coating technique, which is much more aesthetic and healthy, is applied. Zirconium material used in zirconium dental veneers; It stands out with its durability, non-reaction with different substances and sunlight transmission. Zirconium; It is frequently preferred because it is the closest material to the natural tooth color, does not cause any damage to the gums, protects dental health and does not cause bad breath.

Patients to whom zirconium coating can be applied are as follows;

Those with curvature in their teeth
People with tooth loss or loss of material in their teeth
Patients with color deformation that cannot be corrected with teeth whitening techniques

Why are Zirconium Porcelains Preferred?

Zirconium coating protects the health of the tooth under the coating with its light transmission feature. It is also the type of coating that provides the closest appearance to the natural tooth appearance. Since zirconium alloy does not contain any metal and is an environmentally friendly substance, it does not harm both the total health of the person and the health of the teeth and gums. For this reason, zirconium coating application is preferred most frequently today.

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