Aesthetic Dentistry is an Art!

In the modern age we live in, it is an undeniable fact that our appearance leaves an impression about us on people. For this reason, dental aesthetics has gained an important dimension at least as much as oral health. Especially after the aesthetic appearances we are exposed to every day on television, magazines and billboards, the importance of having a beautiful smile increases many times more. Many people hesitate to smile only because their teeth are not white enough and not aesthetic enough, they try to hide their smile and this leads to a lack of self-confidence.

At this point, traditional dentistry practices have gradually been replaced by aesthetic dentistry. In other words, while traditional dentistry deals with classical and basic functions such as diagnosis, treatment and oral hygiene, aesthetic dentistry is more of an art form. However, in today's modern societies, aesthetics has become as essential as traditional practices. Moreover, it should not be forgotten that aesthetic dentistry is also therapeutic.

Thanks to aesthetic dentistry, fillings and implant treatments applied to the teeth have a natural appearance and cannot be distinguished from the person's own teeth. Thus, a situation in which the person will hesitate to show his teeth in his social life is prevented, but on the contrary, the teeth look much healthier.

Aesthetic Dentistry Applications 

The fact that aesthetic dentistry is called art will be much more understandable with the knowledge of the applications made.

Smile Design:

Everyone wants to have snow-white teeth and a beautiful smile. The most beautiful smile is the ideal smile of the person. Aesthetic dentistry allows you to discover your ideal smile and reach your ideal smile with the smile design application. In smile design, factors such as age, gender, face shape, skin color, lips, gum form, teeth alignment and teeth color are taken into consideration.

Gum Shaping:

The desired proportion of the gum is an important factor in smile aesthetics. Some people feel uncomfortable when they smile because their gums are too long. This is a problem that can be easily solved with gum shaping. 

Teeth Whitening: 

Teeth whitening, also called bleaching, is the most preferred dental aesthetic application. Although the teeth are brushed sufficiently, they may still not reach the desired whiteness. In such cases, teeth whitening, which is applied with gel and light and lasts an average of 1 hour, is an effective and harmless application.

There are two types of teeth whitening methods, office and home type. Office type teeth whitening quickly lightens the color of the teeth by 3-4 tones. In home-type teeth whitening, the person applies the whitening gel to his teeth himself with the help of the apparatus prepared by the dentist by taking the measurements of the mouth and teeth. Although this process is not as fast as the clinic, it still shows its effect within 5-7 days. 

Composite Bonding:

Composite fillings can be applied to teeth that are worn, worn, broken, decayed or discolored for any reason and teeth can be restored to their old, natural forms. As a result of the process performed by applying composite dental material to the gaps on the tooth, the teeth have an extremely natural and healthy appearance. 

Dental Veneers:

Dental veneers have been applied on a metal substructure for many years. However, with today's developing technologies, the substructure of the tooth can be made completely of porcelain without metal. Porcelain crowns, which transmit light like natural teeth, provide the closest appearance to natural teeth thanks to these features. 

Dental Implants:

Dental implant, which is applied in tooth loss, is the process of placing an artificial tooth root in the jawbone. This structure, which uses titanium, has no side effects and both the functional and aesthetic deficiency of the missing tooth is completed.

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